How to apply to a STSM ?

Application Procedure for visiting scientists

Within COST Action CA15124, applications should be submitted according the procedure detailed below after reading the "NEUBIAS- Full STSM description" document:

Step 1 – Formal agreement and on-line registration by the applicant

  1. Obtain the written agreement of the host institution, before submitting an application.
  2. Complete the online application form (
  3. The Applicant must use the on-line registration tool to register their request for an STSM, at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the STSM

Step 2 – Formal STSM application and annexes

    After encoding the information and pressing the “submit” button the online registration tool will issue a formal STSM application which has to be downloaded and sent by the applicant electronically (by e-mail as attachment), together with any necessary document which the Applicant may regard as helpful in supporting the application at the evaluation process:

  • Detailed work plan / project description (TEMPLATE 1)
  • Curriculum Vitae with list of publications (if applicable)
  • Motivation letter
  • Letter of support from the HOME institute (TEMPLATE 2)
  • Letter of support from the HOST institute (TEMPLATE 3)

and send via e-mail to:

  • the HOST LAB, target of the STSM
  • the Chair of the Management Committee of the Action – Julien Colombelli: julien(dot)colombelli(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org
  • the STSM coordinator – Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez: juliafer(at)cci(dot)sahlgrenska(dot)gu(dot)se
  • the Financial Administrator of the Action – Raquel Furió:     raquel(dot)furio(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org

Step 3 – Assessment of the STSM

   Upon each STSM Call Closing date, the NEUBIAS STSM Committee will perform the scientific and budgetary assessment of the applications considering the Action objectives and the previously defined evaluation criteria. The committee will also define an acceptable funding level for the approved applications. Check the selection Criteria here

Step 4 – Approval from the Management Committee

   The MC Chair informs the COST and the Grant Holder that the proposed STSM has been approved.

Step 5 – Cost Office Acceptance Letter (Grant Letter)

   The COST Office (or the administrative Institute of the Action: Grand Holder) will send an acceptance letter to the Applicant, in which the grantee is informed about:

  • the approval of the STSM
  • the level of the financial grant given

The Applicant has to sign and return this acceptance letter in order to accept the STSM grant. The Applicant will receive a payment request form at the same time.

After the STSM

After completion of the STSM the grantee is required to submit a scientific report (TEMPLATE 4) to the host institution and MC Chair. It should contain the following information:

 The report should describe:

  1. Purpose of the visit (Statement of the project aim(s) and objectives)
  2. Description of the work carried out and the outcome/results.
  3. Future collaboration with host institution (Describe any likely follow-on work with the host institution arising from the visit- if applicable)
  4. Projected publications/articles to result from the STSM (Mention any publications that may arise from the visit - if applicable)
  5. Confirmation by the Host lab of the successful execution of the mission (The Host researcher should provide a brief letter with his/her signature confirming that the STSM has been carried out successfully. It can be included in the report or as a separate accompanying document)
  6. Other comments (if any)

Applicants are required to submit the report to the STSM coordinator (Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez juliafer(at)cci(dot)sahlgrenska(dot)gu(dot)se) and to the Action Chair ( Julien Colombelli  julien(dot)colombelli(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org ), within 30 days after the STSM visit. No payment will be made from the COST Office until this report is submitted.

The MC Chair of the Action will send a short notice to the COST Office or Administrative Institute with the confirmation that the STSM has been successfully accomplished and that the grant can be paid.

Publications resulting from STSM activities should acknowledge CA15124 (NEUBIAS) support.

Successful applicants will be asked to present the outcome of their STSM at a NEUBIAS Working Groups meeting.


Open Calls – DEADLINES

Continuously Opened Call 

Applications can be submitted any time and will be

reviewed at the end of each month

until the budget for the NEUBIAS Grant Period 2 has been allocated

Contact / Info:

Julia Fernandez Rodriguez (STSM Coordinator)



STSMs rules/definitions by COST

Check the Vademecum  that describes the general terms of conditions to apply and perform a STSM in a COST Action.

Check the  Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM)  User guide


Specific STSM framework offered  by NEUBIAS




Applicants may chose any relevant bioimage analysis lab/facility as a STSM host Lab.

Check here to see examples of Hostlabs that hosted STSMs already.