Since 2017, ITC Conference grants: a new tool to support Early Careers
Extract from the COST Vademecum:
"Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students and Early Career Investigator researchers from Participating ITC (Inclusiveness Target Countries) to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organised by the COST Action."
Details of Call 3 (May 2019 - April 2020)
Next call opens in May 2019, Applications can be sent now for conferences from June 2019 to April 2020
- PhD student or Early Career Investigator (<8 years after PhD) affiliated to a research institution in a ITC country.
- Target conference and candidate's contribution in scope with NEUBIAS. (Important: The Symposium organized between 4-6 March by NEUBIAS in Bordeaux is not an eligible event)
- Target conference during the period 1st June 2019 - 15th April 2020.
- ITC Conference Grant Application Deadline: 5th of February 2020 (exceptions may be granted, but only in case of specific requests submitted before 5th of February)
NEUBIAS Expectations for the successful Grantees
- Requisite: Candidate is listed in the conference program with a oral/poster communication to receive the grant
(applications can be submitted before program confirmation, and evaluation can be performed beforehand).
- Evaluation of the application by experts/committee. Scoring attributed to criteria such as:
- Contribution Quality
- Candidate's CV
- Conference Quality/relevance/visibility
- Grantee must provide a short conference report
- Grantee must contribute to NEUBIAS webtool biii.eu with new entries reflecting the conference program
- Refund after the conference upon completion of report.
- Refund can be total or partial, and includes registration fee, travel, accommodation, subsistence.
- Conferences in Europe preferred, outside of Europe possible.
How to apply
- Fill in the Application Form and return it to the ITC-Conference-Grants Coordinator and Chair (see details in the form).
- Application is open for CALL 3: conferences happening from June 2019 to April 2020.
Eligible conferences
- NEUBIAS does not restrict the range of conferences to a specific list. Any event dealing with Image Analysis, Imaging and/or Life science is eligible.

"ITC Countries" eligible to competitive ITC Conferrence grants offered by NEUBIAS
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.

ITC-CGs Coordination / Committee
Stefan G. Stanciu - Romania, ITC-CGs Coordinator - please contact for enquiry: stefan(dot)stanciu(at)cmmip-upb(dot)org
Irene Fondón - Spain, WG3 coLead
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez - Sweden, WG7 Lead
Julien Colombelli - Chair - please contact for enquiry: julien(dot)colombelli(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org
Kota Miura - Vice-Chair, Germany, WG6 Lead
Natasa Sladoje - Serbia, WG6 coLead
Paula Sampaio - Portugal, WG3 Lead
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux - France, WG4 Lead
Sebastian Munck - Belgium, WG1 Lead