United Kingdom members

MC Substitutes

Martin Jones

Francis Crick Institute - London

Lucy Collinson

Francis Crick Institute - London

Other UK Members

Kenton Arkill

Nottingham University

Isabel Peset

CRUK Manchester

Paul French

Imperial College London

Chas Nelson

Univ. Durham

Jeremy Pike

Univ. Birmingham

Jorge Bernardino de la Serna

Science and Technology Facilities Council - STFC (Oxford)

Anna Leida

School of Computer Science, Manchester

Sandip Kumar

Univ. Sheffield

Ziqiang Huang

Cambridge University

Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro

City University London

David Gaboriau

Imperial College London

Boguslaw Obara

Durham Univ.

Iain Styles

Univ. Birmingham

Available STSM Host Lab in UK

Host Lab - Contact Main Technology to be supported for the STSM applicants Other Technology available Type of Data
Electron Microscopy @ Francis Crick Institute. Dr. Lucy Collinson, contact: lucy.collinson@crick.ac.uk FIJI/ IMOD/ algorithm development/ big data handling and access to all types of EM and CLEM 3D Electron Microscopy (Serial Block Face SEM/ Focused Ion Beam SEM/ Array Tomography), 3D CLEM, Tomography (electron and X-ray), Integrated Light and EM, novel CLEM technology