
The Book of Abstract (including Meet the developpers session Map) is available here.

Day 1: Monday 5th of January 2015

Arrival of Delegates

10h – 10h15


10h15- 11h00

Session 1: BioImage Data Analysis Community: Status Quo

  • 10h15-10h30: Julien Colombelli, Sébastien Tosi, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux: Welcome and EUBIAS activity short report
  • 10h30- 10h45: Jason Swedlow: Euro-BioImaging Update
  • 10h45- 11h00: Jean Salamero: France BioImaging and IPDM node

11h00 -11h30

Keynote 1: Stephan Saalfeld, Janelia Farm. Improving Volume Reconstruction from Large Electron Microscopy Data

11h30- 12h50

Session 2.1: Open Software Showcase

12h50 – 14h00

Lunch and coffee at Green café

14h00 -15h20

Session 2.2: Open Software Showcase

15h20 – 15h40

Coffee break

15h40 -16h40

Session 3: Sponsor and commercial software bridging open source software session

16h40- 17h40

Meet the developers’ session 1
Speakers interact with participants at computer/poster: questions, demos etc… Room plan will be available in the program

17h40- 18h10

Keynote 2: Berndt Rieger, TU Delft. Image processing for super-resolution microscopy Presentation



Session 4: Applications/ New Developments from Scientific Computing


Dinner at Green café


Day 2: Tuesday 6th of January 2015


Keynote 3 Ivo Sbalzarini, MPI-CBG, CSBD. Bioimaging requires novel computer vision approaches and open software


Session 5-1: Cells and particles dynamics analysis

11h20 – 11h50

Coffee break

11h50 – 12h50

Session 5-2: Cells and particles dynamics analysis




Session 6: Image Data management and visualization


Coffee break

16h10 – 17h10

Meet the developers’ session 2

17h10- 17h50

Session 7.1 : Open Community Panel Discussion: Meaning of Open source licensing 
Patrick Moreau (Head of Inria assets) , Jason Swedlow (Univ Dundee and Glencoe Software) , Jérôme Velut (ITK/VTK and Kitware company) , Johannes Schindelin (Fiji) , Fabrice de Chaumont (Icy) , Christian Götze ‎(founder of Arivis company).

Why licensing? The meaning of open source licenses (how to cite, re-use, inherit). How to license in a simple way? How to integrate open source software in a valuation strategy? Why Creative commons could not do the job for software? How to contribute to open source code? Why not always going open source? …

17h50- 18h30

Session 7.2: Open Community Panel Discussion : Reinforcing the BioImage community
Facility representative, image analyst, user (biologist focused on one topic), teachers…
A community of users, analysts and developers: The expectations of each of us and how to work together in the most efficient way to conduct and disseminate cutting edge BioImage analysis.

18h30 – 18h45

Concluding remarks, summary of discussions and perspectives, organization of the next event.

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