Who are NEUBIAS taggers?
Members of "Webtool" working group (WG4) are the hard-core taggers in NEUBIAS,
please see HERE for a full and updated list of taggers. If you are a taggers, do not forget to upload your picture!!
Previous contributors
The following scientists contributed to previous editions of Taggathons (2013-2014)
Ball, Graeme (University of Dundee, UK)
Bankhead, Peter (Queen’s university, Belfast, UK)
Berg, Stuart (Janelia Farm, HHMI, USA. "Ilastik")
Boizeau, Marie-Laure (Inserm, Toulouse)
Burri, Olivier (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
Colombelli, Julien (IRB Barcelona, Spain)
Cordelières, Fabrice (University of Bordeaux, France)
de Chaumont, Fabrice (Pasteur, Paris, France. "ICY")
Delgado Gonzalo, Ricard (BIG – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Gelman, Laurent (FMI, Switzerland)
Horn, Martin (Univ. Konstanz, Germany "KNIME")
Kamentsky, Lee (Broad Institute, Boston, USA. "CellProfiler")
Kladt, Nikolay (University of Koeln, Germany)
Kloethe, Ullrich. (Univ. Heidelberg, Germany. "VIGRA")
Ligteringen, Ronald (Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands. "DIPimage")
Majer, Peter ("Bitplane-Imaris", Zuerich, Switzerland)
Marak, Laszlo (ESIEE, PAris. "PINK")
Miura, Kota (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany)
Moehl, Christoph (DZNE Bohn, Germany)
Norrelykke, Simon (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Ortiz de Solórzano Aurusa, Carlos (CIMA, Pamplona, Spain)
Paul-Gilloteaux, Perrine (Institut Curie CNRS, Paris, France. France BioImaging)
Pedro Coelho, Luis. (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. Mahotas)
Pengo, Thomas (University of Minnesota, USA)
Schindelin, Johannes (LOCI, Univ. Madison, USA. "Fiji / ImageJ")
Signolle, Nicolas (Institut Curie, Paris, France)
Stöter, Torsten (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Swedlow, Jason (Univ. Dundee, UK. EuroBioimaging Prep. Phase I, WP11)
Tosi, Sébastien (IRB Barcelona, Spain)
Volker, Baecker (MRI Montpellier, France)
Walter, Thomas (Mines, Paris, France)
Walczysko, Petr, (Univ. Dundee, UK. "OMERO")
Zhang, Chong (University of Heidelberg, Germany)