
Who are NEUBIAS taggers?

Members of "Webtool" working group (WG4) are the hard-core taggers in NEUBIAS,

please see HERE for a full and updated list of taggers. If you are a taggers, do not forget to upload your picture!! 

Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux  (WG4 Leader)

Chong Zhang (WG4 co-leader)
Julien Colombelli julien(dot)colombelli(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org (Action Chair)

Kota Miura   miura(at)embl(dot)de (Action Vice Chair)

Aaron Ponti aaron(dot)ponti(at)bsse(dot)ethz(dot)ch

Benjamin Pavie benjamin(dot)pavie(at)cme(dot)vib-kuleuven(dot)be

Carlos Yagüe carlos(dot)yague(at)upf(dot)edu

Devrim Unay devrim(dot)unay(at)ieu(dot)edu(dot)tr

Graeme Ball graemeball(at)gmail(dot)com

Sebastien Tosi sebastien(dot)tosi(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org

Natasa Sladoje   sladoje(at)uns(dot)ac(dot)rs


Florian Levet (Task Lead) Florian(dot)Levet(at)inserm(dot)fr

Josh Moore Josh(at)glencoesoftware(dot)com

Alban Gaignard (Task Lead) Alban(dot)gaignard(at)univ-nantes(dot)fr

Matus Kalas (Task Lead) matus(dot)kalas(at)uib(dot)no


Laure Plantard laure(dot)plantard(at)sund(dot)ku(dot)dk

Joakim Lindblad lindblad(at)mi(dot)sanu(dot)ac(dot)rs

Mojca Benčina mojca(dot)bencina(at)ki(dot)si

Ofra Golani ofra(dot)golani(at)weizmann(dot)ac(dot)il

Pete Bankhead p(dot)bankhead(at)qub(dot)ac(dot)uk

Paolo Bianchini paolo(dot)bianchini(at)iit(dot)it

Pasi Kankaanpää pkankaan(at)abo(dot)fi

Raphaël Marée raphael(dot)maree(at)ulg(dot)ac(dot)be

Paula Sampaio sampaio(at)ibmc(dot)up(dot)pt



Igor Weber igor(dot)weber(at)irb(dot)hr

Justyna Cybulska j(dot)cybulska(at)ipan(dot)lublin(dot)pl

Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez julia(dot)fernandez-rodriguez(at)cci(dot)sahlgrenska(dot)gu(dot)se

Kamal Nasrollahi  kn(at)create(dot)aau(dot)dk

Lassi Paavolainen lassi(dot)paavolainen(at)fimm(dot)fi

Thomas Pengo  thomas(dot)pengo(at)gmail(dot)com

Torsten Stöter torsten(dot)stoeter(at)lin-magdeburg(dot)de

Volker Bäcker volker(dot)baecker(at)mri(dot)cnrs(dot)fr

Szymon Stoma szymon(dot)stoma(at)scopem(dot)ethz(dot)ch

Previous contributors

The following scientists contributed to previous editions of Taggathons (2013-2014)

Ball, Graeme (University of Dundee, UK)
Bankhead, Peter (Queen’s university, Belfast, UK)
Berg, Stuart (Janelia Farm, HHMI, USA. "Ilastik")
Boizeau, Marie-Laure (Inserm, Toulouse)
Burri, Olivier (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
Colombelli, Julien (IRB Barcelona, Spain)
Cordelières, Fabrice (University of Bordeaux, France)
de Chaumont, Fabrice (Pasteur, Paris, France. "ICY")
Delgado Gonzalo, Ricard (BIG – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Gelman, Laurent (FMI, Switzerland)
Horn, Martin (Univ. Konstanz, Germany "KNIME")
Kamentsky, Lee (Broad Institute, Boston, USA. "CellProfiler")
Kladt, Nikolay (University of Koeln, Germany)
Kloethe, Ullrich. (Univ. Heidelberg, Germany. "VIGRA")
Ligteringen, Ronald (Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands. "DIPimage")
Majer, Peter ("Bitplane-Imaris", Zuerich, Switzerland)
Marak, Laszlo (ESIEE, PAris. "PINK")
Miura, Kota (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany)
Moehl, Christoph (DZNE Bohn, Germany)
Norrelykke, Simon (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Ortiz de Solórzano Aurusa, Carlos (CIMA, Pamplona, Spain)
Paul-Gilloteaux, Perrine (Institut Curie CNRS, Paris, France. France BioImaging)
Pedro Coelho, Luis. (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. Mahotas)
Pengo, Thomas (University of Minnesota, USA)
Schindelin, Johannes (LOCI, Univ. Madison, USA. "Fiji / ImageJ")
Signolle, Nicolas (Institut Curie, Paris, France)
Stöter, Torsten (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Swedlow, Jason (Univ. Dundee, UK. EuroBioimaging Prep. Phase I, WP11)
Tosi, Sébastien (IRB Barcelona, Spain)
Volker, Baecker (MRI Montpellier, France)
Walter, Thomas (Mines, Paris, France)
Walczysko, Petr, (Univ. Dundee, UK. "OMERO")
Zhang, Chong (University of Heidelberg, Germany)


For further information about WG4 and the webtool, please contact Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux and Chong Zhang