Dr. Véronique Gebala ** | Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin (DE) | Dr. Martin Jones | The Francis Crick Institute, London (UK) | Endothelial cell shape regulation by integrin beta 1 during sprouting angiogenesis in vivo | 1 week, 09/2016 |
Mr Hamid Fehri ** | University of Sheffield, Sheffield (UK) | Dr. Erik Meijering | Erasmus University Medical Center, Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL) | Segmentation and Interpretation of Cells in Fluorescent Microscopy Images | 2 months, 02-03/2017 |
Dr. Maria Smedh | University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg (SE) | Dr. Rainer Heintzmann | Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Jena (DE) | Processing and Analysis of SR-SIM and SMLM Super-Resolution Images | 1 week, 11/2016 |
Dr Devrim Unay | Izmir University of Economics, Izmir (TR) | Dr. Stefan G. Stanciu | University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest (RO) | Robust detection and description of local invariant features in Laser Scanning Microscopy Data Sets | 1 week, 01/2017 |
Dr Laure Plantard | University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (DK) | Dr. Simon Noerrelykke | ScopeM-IDA , ETH-Zurich (CH) | 2D and 3D analysis of fluorescent microscopy images using Imaris, MATLAB, Fiji, and CellProfiler with a focus on combining software packages and automating the analysis of batch of images | 2 weeks, 10-11/2016 |
Mr Torsten Stoeter** | Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (DE) | Lab 1: Dr. Chong Zhang | 1) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (ES) | “Exploration and Analysis of Large Microscopy Data Using ParaView” | 5 weeks 02-03/2017 |
| | Lab 2: Julien Colombelli | 2) Institute for Research in Biomedicine - IRB Barcelona (ES) | | |
Dr Patricia Garcia-Cañadilla** | Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ES) | Dr. Marco Stampanoni | Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen-PSI (CH) | “Detailed characterization of scar and fibrous tissue in hearts using high resolution phase-contrast X-ray imaging” | 2 weeks 01-02/2017 |
Ms. Luiza Filipis** | CNRS, Saint-Martin-d'Hères (FR) | Dr. Panayiota Poirazi | Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), Heraklion (GR) | "Developing NEURON models based on experimental Ca 2+ current optical measurements" | 4 weeks, 05-06/2017 |
Dr Victor Caldas** | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL) | Dr. Mark Fricker | University of Oxford (UK) | "Extracting graphs from symbiotic networks" | 1 week, 06/2017 |
Dr Alex Hargreaves** | University of Leeds (UK) | Dr. Carolina Wählby | Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University (SE) | "Analysis Workflows to resolve Aniline Blue Assay for Sperm Chromatin Condensation" | 2 weeks, 06-07/2017 |
Dr Irene Fondon** | University of Seville (ES) | Prof. Paula Sampaio* | Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular / i3S - Porto (PT) | "Development of image analysis workflows for the study of cellular aging" | 2 weeks, 07/2017 |
Dr Tobias Rasse | EMBL - Heidelberg (DE) | Dr. Stephan Preibisch | Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)- Berlin (DE) | "Towards improved SPIM data analysis pipelines" | 12 weeks, 07-09/2017 |
Dr Janka Nozkova* | Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Nitra (SK) | Dr. David ROUSSEAU | Laboratoire CREATIS, Université Lyon 1 (FR) | "Measuring of Agrobiodiversity from the View of Image Analysis" | 1 week 07/2017 |
Mr Ross Laws** | Newcastle University (UK) | Dr. Eija Jokitalo | University of Helsinki (FI) | "Improving segmentation in challenging 3D-SEM data sets using MIB" | 2 weeks 08/2017 |
Martin Maska*,** | Masaryk University (Brno, CR) | Dr. Carlos Ortiz de Solorzano | Cancer Imaging Lab & Platform @ CIMA - Pamplona (ES) | "Toward Robust Segmentation and Tracking of Cells with Filopodial Protrusions in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy" | 4 weeks, 08/2017 |
Dr Marta Alabrudzinska** | Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (SE) | Dr. Daniel Sage | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Biomedical Imaging Group (CH) | "Segmentation of intravital images for quantification of tumor growth" | 2 weeks, 09/2017 |
Erin Cocks** | Newcastle University (UK) | Dr. Gerd Leitinger | Research Unit Electron Microscopy Techniques, Med. Univ. Graz (AT) | "Segmentation of SBF-SEM Data of the Locust Lobula Giant Movement Detector 2 Neuron" | 2 weeks, 10/2017 |
Dr. Eldar Zehorai | Weizmann Inst. Sci., Rehovot (IL) | Prof. Karl Kadler | University of Manchester (UK) | 3D-morphometric analysis of SBF-SEM data of uterine ECM fibrils | 1 week, 12/2017 |
Laura Murphy ** | MRC-IGMM, Edinburgh (UK) | Dr. Anne Carpenter | Broad Institute, Boston (USA) | Developing an image analysis service for high content microscopy data using CellProfiler and CellProfiler Analyst | 4 weeks, 02/2018 |
Dr. Alessandra Procopio ** | Univ. Bologna (IT) | Dr. Andrea Sorrentino | ALBA Synchroton, Barcelona (ES) | Integration of post-processing analysis software of x-ray nanotomography and X-ray Absorption Near-Edge spectro-microscopy to study the early stages of bone mineralization mechanisms in differentiated bone marrow stem cells | 3 weeks, 02/2018 |
Dr. Miguel Aroso | i3S, Porto (PT) | Dr. Marco Canepari | Univ. Grenoble (FR) | Development of a user-friendly, GUI-based toolbox for the analysis of voltage sensitive dye imaging data | 3 weeks, 03/2018 |
Buda Bajic *, ** | Univ. Novi Sad (RS) | Dr. Moritz Kirschmann | Univ. Zuerich (CH) | Denoising of low signal-to-noise scanning electron micrographs by energy minimization and deep learning | 2 weeks, 03/2018 |
Dr. Michael Barbier** | Univ. Antwerp (BE) | Prof. Peter Horvath | BRC, Szeged (HU) | Automated brain region recognition in fluorescently labelled brain tissue slices | 3 weeks, 04/2018 |
Dr. Filippo Piccinini | ISRT Cancer Res Hosp (IT) | Prof. Peter Horvath | BRC, Szeged (HU) | 3D high-content screening: single-cell segmentation and classification from 3D cancer spheroids | 6 weeks, 06-07/2018 |
Dr. Magalie Feyeux** | SFR Santé François Bonamy (FR) | Dr. Simon Noerrelykke | ScopeM-IDA , ETH-Zurich (CH) | Machine learning for Embryo selection for in-vitro fecundation, and organization of a bio image analysis facility. | 2 weeks 08/2018 |
Maxime Lafarge** | Eindhoven University of Technology (NL) | Dr Anne Carpenter | Broad Institute, Boston (MA, USA) | Disentangled Generative Modeling of Cell Images | 2 months 11-12/2018 |
Raimo Salo** | A.I.Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Kuopio (FI) | Dr Michela Fratini | IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome (IT) | Multimodal approach for the 3D investigation of the spinal cord and brain vascular and neuronal networks | 2 weeks 11/2018 |
Marko Sostar** | Institute Ruđer Bošković (HR) | Prof. Till Bretschneider | University of Warwick (UK) | QuimP-assisted image analysis and modelling | 2 weeks 12/2018 |
Arianne Bercowsky Rama** | EPFL, Lausanne (CH) | Dr. Jean-Yves Tinevez | Institut Pasteur, Paris (FR) | Analysis of Light Sheet Microscopy Data using Mastodon | 1 week 12/2018 |
Dr. Chong Zhang | Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ES) | Dr. Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux | SFR Santé François Bonamy, Nantes (FR) | Biomedical image analysis workflow definition through a web interface and example queries | 1 week 01/2019 |
Harold Gomez** | ETH Zurich, Basel (CH) | Dr. Florian Jug | MPI-CBG Dresden (DE) | Tailoring content-aware restoration networks framework (CARE) to denoise and isotropize 4D light-sheet datasets of murine embryonic lung development. | 3 weeks 02/2018 |
Nikita Moshkov*,** | BRC, Szeged (HU) | Dr. Anne Carpenter | Broad Institute, Boston (MA, USA) | Deep learning based cytoplasm segmentation for cancer tissue slices | 2months 03-04/2019 |
Carla Pereira*,** | IPATIMUP, Porto (PT) | Dr. Carolina Wählby | Uppsala University (SE) | Mapping intra-tumour heterogeneity of therapeutic targets in gastric cancer | 1 month 03/2019 |
Dr. Jonas Ogaard | Oslo University Hospital (NO) | Dr John Cupitt | Imperial College London (UK) | Implementation and usage of low memory feature extraction on whole slide images for use with machine learning | 2 weeks 03/2019 |
Dr. Ana Stojiljkovic | Universität Bern (CH) | Dr Davide Danovi | King's College London (UK) | High-content characterisation of canine induced pluripotent stem cells | 2 weeks 03/2019 |
Dr. Claire Barnes | Swansea University (UK) | Dr. Anne Carpenter | Broad Institute, Boston (MA, USA) | Deep Learning for BioImage Analytics | 1 month 03/2019 |
Martin Weigert** | MPI-CBG Dresden (DE) | Dr Juan Nunez-iglesias | Monash University (AU) | Accelerating image analysis in Python with GPUs | 2 weeks 03/2019 |
Uwe Schmidt** | MPI-CBG Dresden (DE) | Dr Volker Hilsenstein | Monash University (AU) | A fully open source lattice light sheet workflow | 2 weeks 03/2019 |
Mr Debayan Saha ** | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (DE) | Prof Martin Booth | University of Oxford (UK) | Machine-learned phase-retrieval for image-based sensorless adaptive optics | 3 weeks 03/2019 |
Mr Assaf Nahum ** | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (IL) | Dr Jean-yves Tinevez | Institut Pasteur (FR) | Quantifying 3D cell-ECM interactions | 2 weeks 03/2019 |
Marco Tarasco*,** | Center of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), Algarve (PT) | Dr Fabrice Cordelières | Bordeaux Imaging Center (FR) | Assessment of bone regeneration in zebrafish caudal fin through morphometric analysis of bone formation and patterning. | 2 weeks 04/2019 |
Carlos Javier García** | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (ES) | Dr. Daniel Sage | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Biomedical Imaging Group (CH) | Bridging Deep Neuronal Network to ImageJ | 4 weeks 04/2019 |
Dr Tomas Majtner ** | Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute (DK) | Pr. Natasa Sladoje | University of Novi Sad (RS) | Development and evaluation of αLBP-maps for improved texture-based image classification via deep learning in biomedical domain | 2 weeks, 04/2109 |
Ms Estibaliz Gómez de Mariscal ** | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (ES) | Dr. Daniel Sage | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Biomedical Imaging Group (CH) | Bridging Deep Neuronal Network to ImageJ | 2 weeks 07/2019 |
Mr Pau Carrillo Barberà ** | Universitat de València (ES) | Dr André Maia | IBMC-Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (PT) | Deployment of bioimage analysis pipelines for high content screening assays | 2 weeks 08/2019 |
Dr Sian Culley ** | MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology (UK) | Dr. Uwe Schmidt | MPI-CBG Dresden (DE) | Developing Machine Learning Approaches for Automated Detection of Dividing Thermophilic Archaea | 2 weeks 10/2019 |
Dr Devrim Unay * | Izmir Democracy University (TR) | Prof Gabriella Cincotti | University Rome Tre (IT) | Automated detection and segmentation of bacteria from multimodal microscopy images | 2 weeks, 01/2020 |
Nikita Moshkov*,** | BRC, Szeged (HU) | Dr. Anne Carpenter | Broad Institute, Boston (MA, USA) | Image-based profiling using deep learning | 7 weeks 01-03/2020 |
Dr Debora Olivier ** | CBI / LBCMCP UMR 5088 CNRS/Université Toulouse III (FR) | Dr. Anne Carpenter | Broad Institute, Boston (MA, USA) | Generating an automated pipeline to track cells & foci and align them within the cell cycle using CellProfiler and CellProfiler Tracer. | 2 weeks, 02/2020 |
Dr Jiri Tyc *,** | Biology Centre CAS (CR) | Dr Laurent Gelman | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Facility for advanced imaging and microscopy (CH) | Finding the perfect parameters for large SBEM data analysis | 2 weeks 08/2020 |
Marco Tarasco*,** | Center of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), Algarve (PT) | Dr Fabrice Cordelières | Bordeaux Imaging Center (FR) | Development of a Java plug-in for the analysis of therapeutic-relevant molecules affecting bone mineralization and regeneration | 2 weeks 09/2020 |
LEGEND | | | | | |
F | M | * Inclusiveness Target Country | ** Early Career Investigator | Imaging Facility or Center/Image Analysis Center or Facility | Research Lab |