NEW!!#9 Bordeaux (FR)

This taggathon will take place in parallel with  TS14 and TS15 from the 1st of March to the 6th of March 2020, in Bordeaux, France. The first 3 days will focused on setting up Tools and concept, and the last 3 days will boost the content by on-the-fly / live tagging of software and workflows presented during the NEUBIAS conference. This event is set up in collaboration with another COST action, COMULIS .

As usual it will go on on boosting the content of the webtool (WG4), pushing the new fancier version to , work on the insertion of deep learning concepts in Edam Bio Imaging ontology(WG4 and Elixir) and working on the benchmarking of WG5 BIAFLOWS. We will also finish the bridge with the repository of Tools for correlative Imaging developped by COMULIS COST action 17121 and relying on

All trainers and speakers are welcome to join.

For further information now, please contact WG4 or WG5 working group leaders from NEUBIAS (Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Sébastien Tosi) or Correlation software working group leader from COMULIS (Natasa Sladoje).

See the NEUBIAS wiki for events reports.