
A balanced program

Following COST policies and the NEUBIAS mission, we aim to establish a series of lectures with a good balance between science-driven talks and tools-driven contributions, between invited and selected abstracts, between life science and image analysis technology, between senior and early career speakers, between facilities and research labs.

The whole event at a glance

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4th NEUBIAS Conference - Bordeaux, France

February 2020
March 2020
VENUE: Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine VENUE: EINSERB - MATMECA
Sat 29th Sun 1st Mon 2nd Tue 3rd Wed 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th
AM/PM AM/PM AM/PM AM PM 8h50 Welcome
Group 1 Training school TS14
for Early Career Investigators
(on selection, min. 25 seats)
Satellite Meeting 15h - 19h 9h00 Session 1 9h00 Session 3: Keynote Emma Lundberg 9h00 Session 6: Keynote Kristin Branson
10h35 Flash Talks 9h45 Session 3 + Platinum Sponsors 9h45 Session 6
11h05 Coffee 11h00 Coffee 10h55 Coffee
11h35 Panel Discussion 11h30 Session 4 11h25 Session 7
Group 2 Training school TS15
for BioImage Analysts
(on selection, min. 35 seats)
12h50 Posters with lunch 13h05 13:05 - 14:50 Posters with lunch 12h20 Bioimage Analysis: Reports and Perspectives
Posters 13h50 NEUBIAS MC* invitation only 13h30 End of Conference, Closing lunch
14h30 Session 2: Keynote Suliana Manley 14h50 Industry Workshop 2
15h15 F1000R + Techbites
Group 3 NEUBIAS Taggathon #11
(on invitation, 25 seats)
15h40 Coffee 15h50 Coffee
16h10 OsSL+DPS Industry Workshop 1 16h20 Session 5
17h10 OsSL: Open source Software Lounge, DPS: Industry Digital Poster Sessions 17h00 Call4Help
>19h Explore Bordeaux! >19h Gala Dinner

*NEUBIAS management committee meeting, only on invitation.

Invited Speakers

Emma Lundberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)

Suliana Manley, EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland)

Kristin Branson, HHMI Janelia Research Campus (USA)

Tammy Riklin Raviv, Ben Gurion University (Israel)

Laure Blanc-Féraud, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis (France)

Pete Bankhead, University of Edinburgh (UK)

Edward Cohen, Imperial College, London (UK)

Fabrice de Chaumont, Institut Pasteur, Paris (France)

Marcel Müller, KU Leuven (Belgium)

Robert Haase, MPI-CBG, Dresden (Germany)

Deborah Schmidt, MPI-CBG, Dresden (Germany)

Thomas Walter, MINES Paristech, Paris (France)


Special Sessions

BioImage Analyst Satellite Meeting (Tue pm, March 3)

Following the successful edition in Luxembourg (2019), a satellite meeting will be organized in the afternoon preceding the Symposium.

Time and Place: 14h30-19h00 at the Training schools Venue (Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine). NOT THE SYMPOSIUM VENUE !!!!

Workshop-style sessions for analysts to exchange on problems and workflows. Half-day event one day before the symposium.

The meeting is thought of as Best-Practices Seminar where Bio-Image Analysis experts show their way of executing projects in practice.

Session 1: Machine Learning for Microscopy.  15h-16h45h

Session 2: Bioimage Analysis Facility Management.  17h15-19h00

The maximum number of participants will be 150 and availability will be done on a first come first served basis. Program to be announced.

check the updated program HERE

C4H: Call for Help Session (Thu pm, Mar 5)

A plenary session introduced at the NEUBIAS conference in Lisbon (2017), C4H brings together members of the BioImage Data & Analysis community and life-scientists to present their problems and share their suggested solutions. There you can present your case, see other presentations and share your thoughts and hints. Call4Help has since evolved to its current form with a website hosting past projects and ongoing discussions from where projects are selected for the next live event: Check the Call4Help web pages and see how to take part in the session in Luxembourg.

In Bordeaux, the C4H session will be organized by Jan Eglinger (FMI, Basel, CH) with the help of Szymon Stoma (ETHZ) and Laure Plantard (MPI-CBG).

OSSL: Open-Source Software Lounge (Wed pm, March 4)

Meet the developers, specialists and power-users who demonstrate the latest updates of open-source software packages and tools in a live demo session of 2⅓ h.

Submissions of abstracts for this session will be possible until the deadline of poster submission, Feb 1st 2020.

Keywords: Solutions, Refreshments, Laptops, Snacks, Experts, Ambience

Confirmed contributions (added when the logo is provided by the presenters):



+ DeepImageJ, CSBDeep, CARE & Noise2void, CARELess, Insegt, ImageM, Essential Vision,

Scikit-Image, GeNePy, Bioimage-IT, BioFilmQ, more...

Poster Sessions (Wed-Thu at Lunch time, March 4-5)

Poster Formats A0: w<85cm x H<115cm

Industry Contributions (Wed-Thu, March 4-5)

  • Workshops, by:


  • Sponsors booths
  • TechBites*
  • Digital poster session*, by

  • Plenary talk (Platinum Sponsors)


* Sponsors pitch their solutions during plenary flash talks, aka techBites, and small & medium-sized companies with unique solutions have the opportunity to present their approach during a dedicated digital poster session (DPS) of 2 h (screen and high table provided by the conference organisers).

Panel Discussion (TBD)

Hot topics and challenges faced by the community, discussed between experts and the audience, e.g., career development in bioimage analysis, ethics in image processing and data manipulation, funding opportunities, journal editors' perspective, data sharing and accessibility, and more.

NEUBIAS Booths (permanent, March 4-6)

Meet the organisers and tasks leaders of NEUBIAS workgroups and learn about ongoing activities, available opportunities, ways to contribute and adhere, test NEUBIAS online tools and repositories, learn about the experience of grantees who have benefited from travel grants, etc.

Program overview (draft, pending updates)