NEUBIAS Training School for Facility Staffs: Barcelona, Sept 13 – 16, 2016
Topics addressed:
Applications were closed on July 15th 2016!
Who should apply?
Staff scientists, graduate students, post-docs and faculty, who work in the context of Bioimaging facilities and provide assistance to users in need of Bioimage Data Analysis. We expect some experience in handling image data, and a good level of familiarity with imageJ/FIJI; this course is not appropriate for complete beginners! (in 2017 NEUBIAS will offer more NEUBIAS Training Schools including one for “Early Career Investigators”) Very basic programming knowledge is a plus, but not a requirement.
Interested applicants should prepare a letter of motivation (max 2000 char.!), provide contact information and fill a form to assess their level of proficiency and interests; applicants are also encouraged to provide details about a mini-project that they wish to bring to the course (e.g. a specific image analysis tool or workflow that they are interested in getting help with, from our expert trainers).
- Number of Available Seats for Trainees: 25
- Number of available Trainers to assist them: 11
If you are an early career investigator and have no experience with image processing or analysis, NEUBIAS will organize the first training school for Early Career Investigators (at the Gulbenkian Institute, Portugal, 12-15 Feb 2017) dedicated to Life Scientists that aim at diving into BioImage Analysis.
If you already master BioImage Analysis tools and feel you have a solid understanding of workflows and programming, NEUBIAS will also organize an advanced course for Analysts, focused on developing advanced workflows and applications, and delivered by developers and confirmed analysts (at Gulbenkian Institute, Oeiras – Portugal, 12-15 February 2017).
- Must be able to attend all days/times of the course (no exceptions!)
- Must fill valid application form by July 15th (2016).
- Must comply to administrative conditions and send confirmation of travel arrangements BEFORE JULY 31st (2016) after confirmation of selection on July 18th (2016)
Travel Grants
NEUBIAS will offer competitive Travel Grants to a number of the Trainees applicants, affiliated to institutions in COST member countries, Near-Neighbour Countries or approved European RTD Organisations (check definitions in Vademecum here). Please check in the application form how to apply for those grants by filling the additional fields enabling to submit a justification. The grants are supported by COST (funding body of the NEUBIAS Action). Eligibility and reimbursement modalities will follow the criteria/general COST policies (check the Vademecum here).
Granted trainees will be notified by July 18th, 2016, and grants will be executed after the Training School (daily signature on attendance sheets compulsory for grant winners).
The grant amounts to about 920 euros in concept of travel and accommodation for this 4-days (i.e. 5 nights) Training School, to be reimbursed upon acceptance and after participation, according to COST rules (check the Vademecum here).
What is Included
COST supports Local organizers with a financial contribution and supports Trainers. Lunch and coffee breaks will be included for all participants. The course material will be delivered electronically and on pen-drives.
Complementary expenses, not covered by eligible expenses supported by COST, will be incurred to the participants. Check the application form for more details.
Selection Criteria (for all, including granted Trainees)
Trainees will be selected strictly on the basis of their scientific motivations, as described in their motivation letter. Gender balance and geographical distribution will be taken into consideration according to COST policies, and only after pre-selection of eligible/suitable candidates and in the case that applicants are too numerous as compared to the number of available seats.