Three success training stories of NEUBIAS

Anna Klemm

formerly at: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Biomedical Center Munich, Core Facility Bioimaging

now at: Center for Image Analysis, Uppsala Sweden.

After joining the Core Facility Bioimaging at the BMC, LMU Munich as a Bioimage Analyst, I was searching for opportunities to learn more about bioimage analysis and to network. I therefore joined as a participant in the Training School for Facility Staffs in Barcelona (TS1) and in the Training School for Bioimage Analysts in Oeiras (TS3). Both courses were excellent. I had the opportunity to learn about image analysis workflows using a variety of software, to validate and deepen knowledge that I had before learned only on my own, and to create a network to other Bioimage Analysts. In September 2017 I was then teaching in the Early Career Investigators School in Gothenburg (TS4). The knowledge I gained – in the courses or by the interactions created in the courses – definitely helps me with my day-to-day image analysis tasks at the Core Facility. I got also a lot of material and inspirations for the local bioimage analysis courses that I am teaching. The NEUBIAS spirit is awesome –  I recommend the Neubias courses to anyone doing Bioimage Analysis. I think they are the most efficient way to learn about new workflows and to network.

PS by NEUBIAS webmaster: Anna is now permanently employed as Bioinformatician at the Center for Image Analysis in Uppsala, Sweden, a reference institution in field.

Nuno Pimpão Martins

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Bioimaging Unit

Being a trainee was a great opportunity to learn new techniques, get to know some image analysis tools and concepts and, best of all, it was a great way to meet great experienced people doing image analysis. I was able to get helpful input for some issues I had with my own data and got very good ideas on how to analyse it in a better way. Due to being a bit more comfortable with some of the Imagej/Fiji tools and exercises during the school, I was able to help other trainees which had less experience. This lead to further help the network and the future trainees by being a trainer in the following school for Early Career Investigators (ECIs) in Oeiras, where I gave an introduction to ImageJ macros and functions. The school in Oeiras went very well and the feedback from the trainees was very good, so I was invited to co-organize the next school for ECIs in Gothenburg. Both being a trainee and a trainer have helped me immensely for my current job because I was able to learn new tools and get even more comfortable with the ones I already know, allowing me to better help my colleagues and all the users from our facility at their image analysis and on how to better analyse and answer their questions. In addition, NEUBIAS network introduced me to a lot of interesting people with a lot of experience in image analysis, giving me great advice and ideas on how to better do it, which will allow me to better do my job at the facility and my future research.

Laure Plantard

Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics
Light Microscopy Facility, Dresden, Germany

Being a biologist, my training in image analysis started as I was a postdoc and continued as an imaging specialist in a microscope facility. I attended in 2013 a course (EUBIAS2013, organized at IRB Barcelona / EuBI by J. Colombelli, S. Tosi, P. Gilloteaux and K. Miura), precursor of the NEUBIAS training schools. That course gave me the capacity to solve some simple problems in image analysis. In 2016, I was granted an STSM and spent two weeks in the team of Simon Noerrelykke (ETH, Zurich). I gained knowledge and confidence, and was able to answer some biological questions during and after the STSM (one manuscript in preparation).  In 2017, I was invited to join NEUBIAS training school #4 in Gothenburg as a trainer. Writing on my CV that I have been a trainer at NEUBIAS has a much larger impact than attending a course. It shows a recognition of the skills that I have learned, by the persons who actually taught me. It appeared as a recommendation in 2018, when I was recruited as an imaging specialist at the Max Planck Institute (CBG) in Dresden. Having some experience in image analysis was considered a bonus during the selection process.

In summary, by giving me the opportunity to go from trainee to trainer, NEUBIAS has not only expanded my skills in image analysis but also supported the development of my career. By showing to trainees that they can become a trainer, NEUBIAS helps to lessen the apprehension some people have regarding image analysis and empowers them to get skills in image analysis.


Short Term Scientific Missions STSMs

The STSMs strategically contribute to the Action’s scientific aim of maximizing image-based research outputs by enabling:

1) Collaborations on innovative image analysis methods,

2) Access to big data analysis technology and image analysis tools for scientists lacking  them locally

3) Knowledge transfer to support careers and regional development

These actions will help boosting career path of image analysts, by detecting early career vocations and increasing skills and know-how of analysts.


The Missions are aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening the existing networks and fostering collaborations by allowing (i) Young and Early Career Investigators and (ii) Experienced BioImage Analysts to visit an institution, laboratory or industry in another participating COST Country or an approved non-COST country institution. Thus, bringing together researchers of different scientific backgrounds and image analysts within international multi-disciplinary projects will increase the potential for scientific breakthroughs, high-impact publications, creation of new research fields, building of interdisciplinary activities and creating collaborations that may not currently be represented by the local imaging community.

STSMs will be offered on regular competitive calls throughout the duration of the COST Action CA15124 (NEUBIAS), from July 2016 until April 2020. The scientific context will be strictly limited to BioImage-Analysis-driven projects involving development of Image analysis technology and/or knowledge transfer in the field of Life Science. Access to and operation of Imaging instrumentation will in general not be considered as a component of the evaluated scientific projects.

Author: Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, STSMs coordinator

Career consultation: Bioimaging Analysts today!

NEUBIAS, the network of BioImage Analysts funded by COST until 2020, aims to promote the profession of Bioimage Analysts in the Life Science. To this end, the network will devise best-practice guidelines for the career path of these experts, design surveys to scan for existing curricula of BioImage Analysts, and will aim to define a consensus Curriculum in Advanced BioImage Analysis and to create a Job offer repository.

If you are a BioImage Analyst or identify as an important part of your job to be involved in using/developing Image Analysis within Life science, please fill up this questionnaire and help us describing the state of the art of this new profession and identifying the bottlenecks:


Author: Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, Leader Work Group 7