Are you a life-scientist needing to quantify microscopy images?
Do you want to learn how to automatically detect objects in images, track spots and cells, build reproducible image processing workflows, deconvolve and enhance microscopy images, and handle massive data? If yes, this school is for you!
What you will learn!
In this one-week school you will get a hands-on introduction to Image Processing and Analysis, with an emphasis on biologically relevant examples. You will learn the fundamentals of image analysis, including macro programming in ImageJ/Fiji, scripting in MATLAB, as well as other software solutions and a range of focused topics.
In the first part of the week, we will cover the process of image formation as it pertains to image analysis: Resolution, correct exposure, point-spread functions, detector noise, Shannon’s sampling theorem, and aliasing. All with a clear focus on application in the lab.
In the second part of the week we will cover a number of focused topics, building on what was learnt during the first days:
- Call4Help session
- Scripting in MATLAB
- Tracking particles and cells in time-lapse recordings
- Segmentation and classification via supervised Machine Learning in ilastik
- De-convolution of microscopy images
- Stitching and registration of stacks of large image data
- Working on your own project / data
Time: 19th – 24th June 2018
Place: ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Participation fee: 500 CHF (academia) / 1000 CHF (industry)
For further information please visit this webpage: http://2018.zidas.org/
Szymon Stoma, Beat Schuler & Simon F. Nørrelykke
Image and Data Analysis (IDA) group, Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM) | EXCITE @ ETH Zurich